Saturday, 23 February 2013

Harlem Shimmies

The new dance craze of 2013 appears to be the 'Harlem Shake' and in true form people from around the globe are creating their own take on this dance, regardless of how it makes them look (lol).  

Following suit, the bellydance community are not ones to miss out on this fad, so a group of dancers from Belarus in Europe, decided to funk out in the video below by mastering their own take on the Harlem Shake.  As an avid bellydancer myself, its great to see other dancers who are not ashamed to just laugh at themselves, take a risk and take part in this spontaneous dance craze.  I'm sure each of them are dedicated bellydancers following both authentic traditional and newer styles of bellydance, but it also pleases me because all too often people take this mysterious and beautiful art form way too seriously or misinterpret what its really about: empowering women to free up and celebrate their femininity and sensuality, often with a bit of humility.

Anyhow, I found this video not only brave but hilarious, so I thought I'd upload it!  Happy shimmies